1 FIFA Rules
All FIFA apply unless specifically stated otherwise in the JC Indoor Soccer Rules.
2 Number of players
-U9 thru U13and JV Levels: Six field players plus a clearly marked goal keeper. A team must have four field players plus a clearly marked goal keeper to start and/or continue play.
High School thru Adult: Five field players plus a clearly marked goal keeper. A team must have at least three field players and a clearly marked goal keeper in order to start and/or continue play.
3 Duration of game
3.1 Non- Adult Games will consist of two (2) twenty (20) minute halves with a two (2) minute half time period. Teams must be ready to play at the scheduled time for their games.
3.2 Adult Games will consist of two (2) twenty -four (24) minute halves with a two (2) minute half time period. Teams must be ready to play at the scheduled time for their games.
4 Substitutions
All players except for the goal keeper may be substituted at any time. Mass substitutions are permitted in the dead ball situations. Goal keepers may be substituted once each half and/or at half time. In case of injury to the goal keeper, additional substitution will be permitted, but the player will not be permitted to return to the game during the same half of the game.
Players may not enter the field until the player that they are replacing is within 10 feet of the gate for his/her team. A player who is being replaced may not continue to participate in the game once the gate has been opened for the substitution. The gate must not be opened for the substitution until the player who is being replaced is within 10 feet of the gate. Infractions of this rule will result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team from the point where the ball was when the infraction occurred. Repeated and/or blatant infractions will result in a two (2) minute penalty.
5 Ball In and Out of Play
The ball shall be deemed out of play at any time when it goes over the side or end walls, touches the ceiling or any fixture or netting over the field or becomes unplayable due to any imperfection in the field of play. When the ball is played out over a side wall, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the point nearest to where to where the ball went out of play and 3 feet from the side wall. The defending team must give the player five (5) feet clearance from all sides to put the ball back into play.
Once a team has been given possession of the ball after it has been out of play, that team has 5 seconds to put the ball back into play. Delays will result in an indirect kick for the opposing team.
When a ball is played out over an end wall by the defending team, a corner kick will be awarded to the attacking team from the spot marked on the field. The defending team must give the player ten (10) feet clearance from all sides to put the ball back into play.
When a ball is kicked over an end wall by the attacking team, a goal kick will be awarded to the defending team. Goal kicks must be taken from inside the goal area or on any point on the goal box line. The ball is not in play and may not be played by any player until the ball has cleared the penalty area. All members of the opposing team must remain behind the first line beyond the penalty area until the goal kick is taken. Any infraction of this rule results in a goal kick being re-taken.
6 Fouls and Misconduct
6.1 Direct kicks will be awarded per FIFA rules. The following additional infractions will also result in a direct free kick for the opposing team.
1. Intentionally charging an opposing player into a wall (boarding)
2. Using the hands to push off the wall in order to shield the ball.
3. Sliding where contact with another player is possible
When a direct kick is awarded outside of the opponent’s penalty area, the player must be given ten (10) feet to put the ball back into play. When a penalty kick is awarded, all players except the goal keeper and the player taking the kick must remain outside of the penalty area until the kick is taken.
6.2 Indirect free kicks will be awarded per FIFA rules. The following additional infractions will also result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team.
1. Goal keeper keeps possession of the ball with their hands for more than 5 seconds.
2. Goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball (after warning)
3. Violation of substitution rule (see rule #4)
4. Violation of the 5 second rule (see rule #5)
5. Violation of the three-line rule (see rule #9)
6. Sliding where there is no possible contact with opposing player.
When an indirect kick is awarded to the attacking team within the opponent’s penalty area, the kick will be taken at the point outside of the penalty area which is closest to the point where the infraction occurred.
Sliding play is defined as an attempt to play the ball with a foot and leg in contact with the turf at the same tim
7 Uniforms
Players will wear matching uniforms. No two players on the same team may wear the same number. In the case of a color conflict, the home team will change before the scheduled start time or will wear pinnies.
8 Two Card System
FIFA Rules for cautions (yellow cards) and ejections (red card) will apply. (We do not actually show cards)
A yellow card will be shown and the player will be sent off the field for 2 minutes (without replacement) for the following infractions:
- Flagrant fouls
- Reckless play
- Spitting on the playing surface
- Playing the ball and hitting the ceiling or any fixture attached to the ceiling over the field
The following infractions will result in a Red Card and immediate player ejection:
- Deliberate attempts to strike any fixture attached to the ceiling
- Deliberate attempts to inflict damage on any part of the arena
- Deliberate fouls the referee deems to be as retribution or in an attempt to cause harm to the other player
If a player receives two (2) yellow cards, the player may not return to the game. That player may be replaced by another player once the two (2) minute penalty has been served.
When a goal keeper receives his/her first two-minute penalty, at the referee’s discretion, the coach may designate another player to serve the two-minute penalty. If the goal keeper is required to leave the game, another player must be designated and clearly identified as the new goal keeper.
Two (2) minute penalties will expire whenever the opposing team scores or at half-time.
Players who are ejected may either be required to stay on the bench for the game duration or the clock may be stopped while the player is excused from the playing area, benches, or facility per the referee’s discretion.
A player receiving a double yellow card ejection will be allowed to play in the next match. A player receiving a red card ejection will be required to miss the following match. If the cause of the red card is determined to be worthy of an extended penalty, the player will be notified with two (2) days of the infraction of the penalty.
9. Three Line Rule
The playing surface is divided into four quarters by 3 lines that run across the entire field. Whenever the ball is played in the air over all 3 lines, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team from the point on the line nearest to where the ball was played by the opposing team.
10. Start of Play and Kickoffs
Play starts with a place kick from the center mark by the guest team. The ball may be played in any direction. The ball must be touched by another player other than the player who took the original kick before that player much touch the ball again. The kickoff is a direct kick and can result in a goal.
11. Offsides
There are no offside penalties.
12 Scoring
Points shall be awarded per a 3 point scoring system
3 points for a win
1 point for a tie
0 points for a loss
12.1 Forfeitures
Forfeited games will be scored 3-0 for the winning team
12.2 Resolving Ties at the End of the Season
If two teams are tied at the end of the Season then start at (1). If more than two teams are tied at the end of the season then start at (2)
- Head to Head
- Add 1 point for each goal scored up to a maximum of 5 per game. Subtract one goal scored against the team up to a maximum of 5 goals per game.
- Most goals scored by the team with a maximum of 5 per game
- Most shutouts
- Fewest goals scored against the team.
- Coin toss
13. Guest Rules
13.1 Under 18 Games
Guests will not be allowed in any U18 game unless previously approved by JC Indoor Soccer Management. In the case a non-registered player is found to be playing on a U18 team, the result will be a forfeit. Guests may not be from other teams in the same Division and must be age and skill level appropriate. Coaches have the right to ask for a roster check at any time before the match, at half-time, or immediately after the game. Parents may not ask and will not be granted the right to a roster check.
13.2 Adult Games
Guests are allowed to play in up to two (2) games as a guest per season. Guests are not allowed to play in any playoff game unless they have played in two or more regular season matches for that team. The cost to guest play is $10 per game and must be paid to either the concession area employee or the referee before the game has begun. Failure to sign in as a guest or as pay the fee before the game will result in a forfeit. Guests must not be from another team in the same division and must be skill level appropriate.
Team Captains have the right to ask for a roster check at any time before the match, at half- time, or immediately after the game. Players may not ask and will not be granted the right to a roster check.
14. Parity Rule: In an effort to keep our games competitive, and recognizing that sometimes circumstances lead to teams of uneven talent and experience playing each other, youth teams will use the Parity Rule. If one team reaches a lead of 6 goals, the losing team may add one player. If the lead reaches 8, the losing team may add a second player, at 10 a third. This continues in increments of 2 until the losing team has no more players to add. If the losing team has no more players to add, the winning team, if up by 6 or more, must remove a player. If their lead increases to 8, a second player must be removed. The losing team Coach may decide to not use this rule but the winning team must follow this rule. We reserve the right to work with coaches to make the game more even by swapping players or adjusting in other ways.
15. Overriding Rule: All games are played in a fashion that will allow for the safety of participants and spectators. The referee has complete authority over all matters in and around the game area.